
Learn Finance in FinC Lab with
Gamification & Simulation Tech!

Fincurious provides you with the most practical courses on Accounting, Taxation, Audit, HR & Finance. Learn the best courses Online and Offline with the Expert faculties, advanced Simulation software and Gamification tools to help you get a better grasp on the subjects...

Your Virtual Internship begins here!

Our Goal is to educate aspirants in the Field of Finance using Technology!
  • Practice and learn in Simulated Govt. Compliance Portals
  • Real Life Scenarios in the form of Case Studies & Assignments
  • Prepare for what the Industry wants
  • Intricacies of complex accounting & taxation laws in the most simplified language
The Faster you Learn,The Faster you Earn!

Accounting Gamification Innovation

  • Accounting is no more boring!
  • Learn Debits and Credits in a new way
  • Conduct experiments & learn the logic
  • Clear concepts of Golden Rules & modern rules of accounting in the Fincurious way!

Learn by playing around in our gamification tools and get experienced in the topic of your choice quickly!

Get updates in Real Time.

What makes us Different

Normal Institutes Fincurious
Learning Offline / Online Video Only Classroom/Online + Live + Practicals + Experiments Live
Practical Based Learning
Real Time Updated Content We usually update content within 1 week of changes in real life.
Job Relevant Content Our Courses specifically use Real World Case Studies Exclusively.
Experiments Learn Practically by conducting experiments in a Safe Environment.
Simulation Software Access Get Real Life Experience in Simulation.
Live Classes One Time Attendance (If Any) Unlimited classes during Access
Live Doubt Solving Sessions Unlimited Sessions during Access
Direct Chat with Faculties Available for you at any time.

Our Centres across India!

Our Centres are active over 100 locations in over 20 states!

We are rapidly expanding and covering more locations everyday in order to provide our courses, job opportunities and connections.. We ensure that our Centres get the best exposure and presence in their localities so that they can reach and exceed their targets and create a sustainable business model for the forseeable future!


Download our
Android App!

Get Access to All our Courses and learn from anywhere!

Download now & Prepare for Interviews, get updates on the latest news in finance & more exclusive features!

Fincurious Android App

Apply for the
best Jobs!

Curated Jobs just for you! Apply for jobs in your location from our portal. Students will get Job support from our team when they complete a course and help them in getting placed in a high paying job!

Practical Courses


Get Practical Real world experience when learning from our courses. This will help you in building skills!

Interview Preparation Tools


We have questionares for different levels of Interviews for each topic that we teach. All questions are probable questions that are asked in interviews.

Job Portal


Search, filter and Apply for Jobs in our portal easily. We will send relevant data to our recruiters including your course performance so they can make better decisions in hiring you.

Contact Recruiters Directly


For some Jobs, you will get the Contact Information of the recruiter where you will be able to contact them directly!

Our Partners


What Our Users Say


Fincurious Partners Across India


Kushi Jain


Kushi Oswal




Punjab Commercial College & Computer Centre


Evolute Award
Star Startup Award 2023
IITK Award
Top 18 out of 400+ Startups
Wadhwani Award
Liftoff 6.2 (2023) & Liftoff Propel 3.1 (2024)
IIT B Award
National Runners up by IIT Bombay out of 25,000+ startups
IIT B Award
National Runners up by IIT Madras Entrepreneurs Summit